Brain Injury Association of Massachusetts Celebrates 30 Years

The Brain Injury Association of Massachusetts (BIA-MA) has recently celebrated 30 years of helping victims of brain injuries. The initial chapter of the BIA-MA was started in Framingham, Massachusetts by concerned parents of children who suffered from head injuries. At the time, the community wasn’t ready to handle or equipped to serve individuals with brain injuries. There is now a Brain Injury Association of America with chapters in more than 40 states.

BIA-MA: Just the Facts

• The BIA-MA helps more than 60,000 kids, teens and adults in the Commonwealth.
• They offer 34 support groups for family members, survivors and caregivers.
• They also work with communities and justice officials to help promote safety and awareness for risk-taking behaviors involved with first-time offenders who have suffered from traumatic brain injuries (TBI’s).

Brain Injuries in America

In the United States, the risk of brain injury is now recognized as a major public health crisis. According to BIA-MA, a traumatic brain injury happens every 18.5 seconds. An estimated 1.7 million people suffer from traumatic brain injuries each year. Additionally, 5.3 million people in America are living with a disability that was caused by a brain injury. The BIA-MA hopes to raise awareness about the dangers of traumatic brain injuries, and also offers support to people who have suffered from brain injuries and their families.

Brain Injury Symptoms According to the Mayo Clinic

• Loss of consciousness • Memory problems • Nausea and/or vomiting • Dizziness • Loss of balance • Headaches • Problems concentrating • Disorientation
• Sensitivity to light or sound • Difficultly sleeping • Confusion • Dilation of one or both pupils • Clear fluids draining from nose or ears • Mood swings • Feelings of anxiousness • Depressed mood • Loss of coordination • Seizures • Convulsions • Weakness, numbness or tingling in fingers and/or toes • Fatigue

It’s important to understand that the severity of brain injuries can also impact what type of symptoms people present with. Depending upon the severity of the injury, some people may only present with a few symptoms. Other people may have long term problems that present some time after an initial brain injury occurs. If you suspect yourself or a loved one has suffered from a brain injury, seek medical attention immediately.

Brain Injury Signs and Symptoms in Children

• Nonstop crying or inability to be consoled • Change in ability to pay attention • Sad mood • Loss of interest in favorite toys • Change in sleeping habits • Change in eating habits • Unusual irritability

Young athletes are at an increased risk for brain injuries, especially football players. Concussions are actually considered a form of brain injury, and they should be taken seriously. Also, it’s not uncommon for people to suffer from brain injuries after car accidents, so it’s important to get medically evaluated after a wreck.

After a Brain Injury

First, if you suspect yourself or a loved one has sustained a brain injury, seek medical attention immediately. Even if you suspect a minor concussion, go see a doctor. Once you’ve been medically evaluated and cared for, you can contact an experienced personal injury attorney in Boston. If you or a loved one has sustained a brain injury, contact the skilled attorneys at Altman & Altman, LLP for a free legal consultation.

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