
Massachusetts Winter Slip and Fall Injuries

After a mild start to the New England winter, snow showers and freezing temperatures are in the forecast for the Boston area this weekend. Weather forecasters are predicting a winter storm that will most likely bring snow and an icy mix to the area, with some places getting as much as 6 inches. Though some may see the snow as a cheery reminder of the approaching holiday season, it is still important for you to remain aware of the risks that can be caused by the snow and ice. As a pedestrian, you can take precautions against falls by wearing heavy treaded shoes and taking special care to avoid black ice, thin sheets of ice that appear to be wet pavement. You should avoid carrying heavy items and using shortcuts, which may not be cleared. Plan ahead so that you can afford to walk slowly and take smaller steps.

Unfortunately, even when you take these precautions, you can be taken by surprise when walking through a badly maintained property. Property owners have the responsibility and legal obligation to ensure the safety of their properties. Owners of businesses, restaurants, stores, and parking lots must make sure that there are no unsafe or hazardous conditions. This includes the removal of natural and unnatural accumulations of ice and snow. When an owner doesn’t take responsibility for his property, the results can be disastrous.

Accumulations of snow and ice can result in a painful slip and fall. It can result in injuries such as a broken bones, brain injuries, or bruises and bumps. If you have been the victim of such an injury, you might be left wondering what to do next. Your first priority should be to seek medical attention immediately, as injuries left untreated can develop into something much worse. If you can obtain a photograph of the location and cause of your fall without causing any discomfort to yourself, you should. Your next step should be to speak with an experienced lawyer at Altman & Altman. At Altman & Altman, we have trustworthy and understanding lawyers who will make sure your accident is thoroughly investigated and who will be able to determine whether or not you might be entitled to compensation.

If you are entitled to compensation, property owners or a property manager will be held liable for injuries that occurred on their property if they did not maintain their premises in a safe condition. If a company provided the snow and ice removal, they may also be held liable for unsatisfactory work. We will examine your medical records, and calculate your current and future medical costs, lost wages, and rehabilitation expenses. We will take into account your pain and suffering and other damages as well. Altman & Altman is well known for successfully obtaining substantial insurance settlements or case verdicts for our personal injury clients

To schedule your free consultation with an experienced Boston, Massachusetts slip and fall attorney at Altman & Altman LLP, call 617.492.3000 or 800.481.6199 or contact us online.

Forecasters Track Significant Weekend Storm, WCVB.COM, December 12, 2013

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