
Roxbury Man Killed, Teen Injured on MBTA Bus; Riders Call for Better Security

An unidentified 18-year-old was injured and 21-year-old Richard Allen was killed on an MBTA bus on November 2, 2010, the Boston Globe reported. Both were stabbed as the bus traveled down Humboldt Avenue near William Monroe Trotter elementary school. A police spokesperson told the Globe that both Allen and the 18-year-old were reputed gang members and that this was not a random attack. Allen was arrested in June for a Dorchester armed robbery and had a pre-trial conference scheduled for Monday.

This was the third time a person has been killed on an MBTA bus in three years. Later that same afternoon, police had to investigate two Red Line stabbings in which a 17-year-old suffered chest wounds and an 18-year-old suffered hand wounds. Many MBTA riders and Humboldt-area residents interviewed by the Globe called for more security officers and cameras on buses. No security camera was on Allen’s bus at the time of the fatal attack.

Lack of security cameras and failed security systems can give rise to inadequate security personal injury claims. Typically these types of claims involve serious injuries or death from criminal attacks like robberies, assaults, sexual assaults, stabbings or shootings that happened because the owner or operator of a public place negligently failed to keep his premises safe.

Call the Experienced Personal Injury Attorneys of Altman & Altman LLP Today at 617 492 3000 or 800 481 6199
If you or someone you know has been attacked on a bus or train, or if you have any other questions about personal injury claims, call Altman & Altman LLP. We have a team of experienced personal injury lawyers who know all about inadequate security claims, and we are always happy to help.

Call our personal injury attorneys at (617) 492 3000 or (800) 481 6199 toll-free, or contact us online for a free consultation. We are available twenty-four hours per day, seven days a week to speak with you.

The Boston Globe: Man killed, 1 injured in stabbings on bus

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