
Sandy Hook Elementary School Massacre Leaves At Least 27 Dead

A tragic shooting at the Sandy Hook Elementary School in Connecticut has claimed the lives of at least 20 kids between the ages of 5 and 10, and seven adults, including shooter Adam Lanza, 20. One other victim was hurt. According to the media, Lanza shot at his victims in two rooms before firing on himself. He had multiple fire arms with him.

Lanza’s mother is among the deceased. Her body was found at the home she shared with him. At Altman & Altman, LLP the thoughts of our Boston injury lawyers are with the with the victims, their families, and the rest of the community there at this time during what is being called the second deadliest school shootings in our nation’s history. The campus shooting at Virginia Tech in 2007 had 32 fatalities. 15 were killed, including the two shooters, at the The Columbine High School shooting.

Massachusetts School Accidents and Crimes
This type of tragedy always hits home for the millions of parents who send their kids off to school every day. According to the Boston Globe, school districts in Massachusetts have been busy reassuring their parents that safety protocols are in place.

Schools can be held liable for serious injuries and crimes that occur on the premises if something could/should have been done to prevent the incident from happening. Depending on what happened and who was involved, grounds for a Boston personal injury case against a school, its district, or a related entity or another party may include products liability (for dangerous or defective appliances and other products), premises liability (slip and fall, hazardous conditions, inadequate security, playground accidents), violent crimes, recreational or athletic injuries, motor vehicle accidents in the school parking lot, and other causes.

Sandy Hook Elementary shooting leaves 27 dead, law enforcement sources say, Washington Post, December 14, 2012

Slain Connecticut principal just implemented new security measures, CNN, December 14, 2012

Massachusetts Department of Elementary and Secondary Education

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