
Can I Sue My Landlord for a Slip and Fall Accident?

Accidental falls send more Massachusetts residents to the ER than any other reason. If you suffer an injury due to a fall on the job, workers’ compensation insurance may cover your medical bills and missed days at work. But what if you slip and fall at your place of residence? In some circumstances, you can legally seek financial compensation from your landlord.

What Causes Slip and Fall Accidents at Rental Properties?

According to the National Floor Safety Institute, hazardous floors are the leading cause of accidental falls. A wide variety of floor-related and other hazards at rental properties can potentially cause you to trip or slip and fall, including the following:

  • Snowy or icy floors, sidewalks, and parking lots
  • Wet floors caused by recent cleaning, accidental spills, or leaks
  • Holes, cracks, or other uneven surfaces in asphalt, concrete, or other areas
  • Missing or damaged steps or stair railings
  • Loose or missing floorboards
  • Torn or loose carpet
  • Debris or objects left negligently on the floor or ground
  • Improperly maintained common areas such as pools, gyms, and clubhouses
  • Inadequate lighting in halls, stairwells, or parking areas

When is My Landlord Responsible for My Accident?

Rental property owners and managers in Massachusetts have a duty to keep their premises free of hazards that could injure residents or guests. If landlords fail to maintain reasonably safe conditions at their properties and someone suffers an injury as a result, they may be held legally responsible. In such cases of negligence, you can likely sue your landlord for your slip and fall injury. It strengthens your case if you can show that your landlord caused or knew about the hazard before the accident but failed to fix it or warn people about the danger.

What Can a Massachusetts Slip and Fall Lawyer Do for Me?

If you were injured in a slip and fall caused by a negligent landlord in Massachusetts, you may qualify for financial compensation. A skilled local personal injury lawyer can help you recover funds for medical bills, lost wages, pain and suffering, and even the wrongful death of a family member. The more serious your injury and the longer it took to recover, the more compensation you may receive.

At Altman & Altman LLP, our experienced premises liability attorneys know how to build a strong case against negligent landlords. We can help you navigate complicated issues such as determining negligence, examining medical records, calculating damages, and arranging accident reconstructions. Because we work on a contingency basis, we will not charge you anything unless we successfully resolve your case.

Slip and fall lawsuits in Massachusetts must be filed within three years of the accident. But it’s best to contact us as soon as possible so that we can help document the accident site, your physical injuries, and any other relevant evidence. Contact us online or call us 24/7 at 800.481.6199 for your free consultation with an experienced Boston slip and fall lawyer.

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