
Articles Posted in Medical Malpractice


Surgical Errors in Boston Hospitals – Inexcusable and not as rare as you think

  There’s really no way to describe the feeling unless you’ve been through it. You enter a hospital room somewhere in Massachusetts and are ushered through a series of procedures and given many different lectures about what is about to happen. Eventually, all that remains is your lingering remnants of…


Traumatic Birth Injury Cases- When there is Negligence During Labor and Delivery.

Traumatic birth injury  occurs when the mother suffers severe injuries during the birthing process. In a recent case involving an Alabama woman who sustained injuries during her 2012 labor and delivery, the jury awarded $16 million in punitive and compensatory damages. Caroline Malatesta claims she was severely injured during the…


Massachusetts Hospital Facing Lawsuits for Possible Hepatitis and HIV Exposure

Massachusetts’ Noble Hospital is facing lawsuits from 25 patients who claim that improper sanitization of medical equipment may have put them in harm’s way. The colonoscopy patients allege that they were potentially exposed to life-threatening viruses, including Hepatitis B and C, and HIV, due to improperly disinfected endoscopes. Although the…


Medication Reconciliation Reduces the Incidence of Dangerous Medication Errors

Adverse drug interactions account for approximately 700,000 emergency room visits and 100,000 hospitalizations annually. In fact, nearly 5% of hospitalized patients suffer from medication errors, putting them at the top of the list for inpatient errors. It is likely that outpatient medication errors are even higher. Contact a Boston Drug…


Surgical Warming Blankets Linked to Life-Threatening Complications in Boston and Around the Country

Warming blankets used on patients during certain knee and hip surgeries have been linked to serious, potentially life-threatening injuries. The 3M Bair Hugger warming system helps to regulate a patient’s body temperature while under anesthesia. Unfortunately, many patients have developed deep joint infections after using these warming systems. As a…


Boston Injury Lawyer Blog Question of the Week – Should Patients Be Allowed to Record Surgeries?

In Massachusetts, patients are prohibited from recording their surgeries without the consent of all parties being recorded. However, in light of recent incidents, more and more patients are requesting permission to video or audio record their surgeries. Earlier this year, a patient in Virginia was awarded $500,000 in a medical…


Doctors That Communicate Well Tend to Reduce Lawsuits

Communication appears to be key in preventing medical malpractice lawsuits. It’s uncertain whether this is because communication helps prevent medical errors, or because it fosters better doctor-patient relationships. Either way, the statistics are hard to ignore.   A Florida study showed that only six percent of obstetricians accounted for over…

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