Alcohol-Infused Whipped Cream: The New FourLoko?

In the wake of the controversy surrounding FourLoko, the briefly-popular caffeinated alcoholic beverage, another contentious alcoholic product is emerging.

Whipped Lightning, also known as “whipahol,” is an alcohol-infused whipped cream manufactured by Maple Grove Products. A Public Health professor from Boston University told the Daily Free Press that the product is troubling for a couple of reasons. Firstly, he noted that the product poses the danger of youth abuse because of its attractive whipped cream form and high alcohol content. This point is somewhat reinforced by the product’s website, which says, “Whipped cream’s not just for kids anymore…” Secondly, the BU professor mentioned the risk of reaching excessive levels of drunkenness due to the product’s sweet flavor. Similarly, although the main safety concern with respect to FourLoko was the combination of alcohol and caffeine, many expressed concern that FourLoko’s bright packaging and fruity flavors made the product attractive to children.

Whipped Lightning contains 18 percent alcohol, and another alcoholic topping called Cream contains 15 percent. Both products are becoming popular on college campuses, according to CBS News. Neither has had a conflict with health regulators yet.

CBS News, Four Loko move over, here comes Whipped Lightning, alcohol-infused whipped creamThe

Daily Free Press, FourLoko looks to revamp, but copycats may still exist

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